My Fitness and Nutrition
This page helps me track my own personal commitment to fitness and nutrition. It's a combination of journal and operating manual.
Foundational Maxims
- I base the majority of my food on whole foods.
- I allow myself to enjoy "treat" foods in moderation.
- I support my activity by eating enough food, but not too much.
- I experience my foods fully and mindfully.
- I move my body at least 30 minutes every day.
- I lift heavy things on a regular basis to allow me to do other activities with ease.
- I value flexibility and stretch on a regular basis.
- I journal daily to get my mind organized.
- I unplug an hour before bed and spend some of that meditating.
- I manage my stress by taking time out of the day for mindfulness on regular intervals, even if just for a minute.
- Red, Green, Yellow Food List - My personal list of foods that I eat often, sometimes, and seldom so that I know what to focus on.
Metrics to Track
Body Dimensions
- Weight (weekly)
- Waist Circumference (monthly)
- Impedance Body Fat % (weekly)
- Dexa Scan (every 6 months)
- Food Log (daily)
- Water Intake (daily)