The Root

***I will do my best to (a) follow the processes documented here; and (b) on a regular basis evaluate these processes and update the document to better reflect what's working and what's not, as well as what's important to me and what's not

The Root

Morning Journal

I spend 30 minutes writing in my journal every morning. I use DayOne as my journaling platform and I use my mac laptop or e-ink tablet for writing the journal entries for the day.


I use my calendar sunsama to time block the core of my day. After I have moved all work projects forward for the day, I use my shutdown ritual for work to transition from work to post-work time. This is added to the timeblock.

Morning Work

I work on the most important thing that I need to get done first thing in the morning

Morning Exercise

I spend at least 30 minutes of moving every day when I need a break from the morning work, usually around 9:30am during the week, and less regimented on the weekends. On days when I have energy, I use Gravl to plan out a 75 minute lifting routine. My goal is 4 days of lifting a week.

During The Day

Capture - I capture ideas into the day notes on obsidian and I keep a pocket notebook with me to capture new things that come into life.
Simplify - I strive for inbox-zero every day creating tasks as they come in from email. I have to check both my personal email (gmail) and protonmail for business.
Organize - I use the GTD methodology for tracking work in progress augmented with Kanban's WIP limits to enable me to balance commitments and learn to say "no" when I'm overloaded. I will try to ensure that everything has a deadline associated with it to help with executive function. I will hold deadlines as sacred.
Reflect - I review my projects, goals, and areas of focus on a regular cadence, At least weekly.

Shutdown Ritual

I log my hours in Harvest for each client, consolidating time entries for the day into larger chunks to accurately capture the work completed

For every incomplete task/goal/project, I ensure that there is a next action logged for each project. I schedule the next follow up for each project

For every relationship I want to maintain, I review the last time I communicated with them and schedule the next steps into my systems.

Record 1 thing that went well and 1 thing that could be improved. Document any insecurities and mistakes that need improvement.

Weekly Planning

On Sunday mornings, I look through my calendar for next week, and my quarter plan, and decide what needs to get down the following week.

I write down key takeaways from the week, and areas where I feel like I can work to improve.

Keystone Habits

What is the System

Why do I have a core system?

I have a core system so that I do not get stuck with my life and I can move multiple projects across personal and career goals forward on a daily, weekly, quarterly, yearly, and decadely basis.

The core system help me focus my energy, address my anxiety and fear for the future, and makes sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

What does my core system contain?

My core system contains the core documents, and disciplines I need to move my life forward.

Core Documents

This is an evolving document. It's not perfect, and that's okay.

I want to be someone who develops and maintains deep relationships with the important people in his life by regularly reaching out and being enjoyable to be around.

I want to be someone who is dependable and delivers results by being methodical in my commitments and learning to say no to things that do not align with my goals and values.

I want to be someone who centers strength and health by regularly exercising and focusing on a high quality diet filled with whole, single ingredients foods while still able to occasionally enjoy indulgences.


current list

  1. software engineer
  2. brother
  3. son
  4. boyfriend
  5. friend
  6. bungee instructor
  7. board member of TDBC
  8. filmmaker, writer, producer, cinematographer, photographer artist
  9. aerialist
  10. maker/artist

ideal list

  1. boyfriend
  2. friend / family
  3. artist
  4. community member
  5. entrepreneur

Personal Code of Conduct

I will always follow through on the things that I say I'll do.

I will never silently drop the ball on something out of fear of saying no.

I will always speak the truth, even when it's hard.

I will never commit verbal violence against anyone, including myself.


Need to develop


Need to develop


  1. I review my values once a week and create a value plan as part of weekly planning with notes about what I want to focus on that week that aligns with my values, and maybe experiments or habits I would like to implement to help keep me better aligned with my values.
  2. I review my strategies once a week when doing my weekly planning. I can tweak them at any time, but I try to overhaul them once a quarter at least. If a major like change happens, I also will likely overhaul them then.
  3. I maintain an idea notebook which I keep with me as much as possible. I review this notebook when I update my strategies to incorporate new ideas into my life.

How do I use my core system?

How does my core system move my life forward in meaningful ways?

What of my core system can I automate?

Deep Life Stack: Discipline, Values, Control, Vision

Discipline Layer

Values Layer

Control Layer

Vision Layer

Timing it all in 4 months
Discipline - first 2 weeks to get it up an running
Values - 4 weeks
Control - 4 weeks
Vision - 6 weeks for small overhaul

Immediate and Soon Prioritizing for projects