Red, Green, Yellow Food List

There is no such thing as "Good" foods and "Bad" foods, but there are foods that I should eat more of, and foods that I should eat less of.

This list is different for every person, so this is my personal list of foods. If a food isn't listed here, it's likely that I just don't eat it, unless it's vegetables. All vegetables are game in my world (except Avocados, and any kind of potato. those fall under other categories)


Green Yellow Red
Chicken Conventional Beef Protein Bars
(Lean) Grass Fed Beef Protein Powders Any kind of fake meat
Pork Loin Lunch Meats Fried Meats
Duck Other Pork Cured Meats
Plain Green Yogurt
Cottage Cheese (preferably cultured)
Tuna and Salmon (preferably raw)


Green Yellow Red
Beans White Rice White breads
Traditional Oats (not instant) Milk (unless lactose free) French Fries
Quinoa Sugar-Free Granola Any Dessert
Sweet Potatoes Bean-based Pastas Chips, Crackers, etc
Purple Potatoes Whole Grain Breads
Fruits (any kind) Dark Chocolate


Green Yellow Red Never
Hard, Aged Cheeses Butter Bacon Hydrogenated Oils
EVOO Soft Cheeses
Avocados Cream
Pesto Other oils
Nuts and Seeds
Nut Butters